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Kaia & David

The Story


We, Kaia & husband, David are dedicated to sharing our balanced,  health-focused & eco-friendly lifestyle with all to inspire, uplift and give support wherever we're able to. As part of our lifestyle, we are continuously experimenting and crafting our all-natural body care products, using only organic & 100% pure ingredients, and recyclable and/or sustainable/regenerative packaging, materials and methods throughout our businesses. We aim to set an outstanding example with KAIASnaturals by showing you how easy it is to switch to a responsible, integral and chemical-free life. While offering you several options and examples of how easy and satisfying it is to become self-sufficient in your body care habits, we are developing a No. 1. eco-friendly company. OK, this was a rather boring story so far- of course, we have a fascinating one, too...!


It started in 2010 when Kaia was diagnosed with endometriosis and had major surgery the next year. After that, she had a debilitating year of hormonal treatment lined up - her journey up till this point in time has been very unforgiving. At the start of 2013 though she got into good hands by recruiting the right professionals to rewrite her story from a more holistic perspective; a dietitian, Satyananda Yoga, meditation, an extraordinary gynaecologist and a total ban of any chemicals.


Let's repeat: ANY. CHEMICALS.


Meaning she needed to eliminate all those household and self-care/body care products that she's been used to for years and years. It wasn't easy. There were tears, hurt, anger, desperation, hopelessness and devastation as well as understanding, clarity, awareness, determination and trust. And these latter got stronger by the day, as her body, after detoxing itself, started to heal itself, a tiny step at a time. The by then unfamiliar feelings of enthusiasm and experiences of lucidity pawed the path to a healthier, cleaner and eventually happier, wholesome life and lifestyle.

A couple of years down this path came the idea for Kaia to start experimenting with natural ingredients after taking part in a workshop on natural deodorants. Even though there were some options available to fill the gaps in her bathroom cabinet, she wasn't satisfied enough but got more and more curious and keen. After several months of experimenting, studying, researching and testing (a special thanks goes to our friends and family - you survived it all...!), and our first product, the Shea Deodorant Cream was born. It was a bit too solid or sometimes too soft, but it was well-working and smelled amazing. Definitely a good start!


Many beta-versions were born and were left to die until she got to today's blends, whilst she played around with the idea of creating a sunscreen along these lines and values. The Raspberry Zinc Sunpaste has been a great success story right from the beginning; offering us a perfect solution to the harsh sun when we moved to New Zealand from our birth country, Hungary. The Herbal Hair Wash and the Bentonite Clay Toothpaste followed the pioneers, and while a whole new self-care universe opened up for us, Kaia's healing got irreversible

organic ingredients

Long story short, she's not only healthy now with no symptoms of the late endometriosis, but her life experience shifted by 360°.
Kaia is continuously
experimenting and exploring the satisfying territory of organic body care, learning about Rongoā Māori (traditional Maori healing and remedies), plant intelligence whilst being humbled by the blessings this new path has been having to offer for us in this life. Aho!

Our Ethics



It may sound romantic nowadays, yet we believe that caring, giving and sharing are more fundamental values than money or profit. Thus, we are operating every level of KAIASnaturals according to our Ethics, which are the following:

we use only organic and 100% pure ingredients from local suppliers/sources/providers who offer premium quality ingredients;

all the packaging we use are recyclable/compostable;

• all our products are environmentally friendly and harmless;

we offer 10% off to all our customers who'd like to do a refill, hence, extending the lifetime of our packaging thus reducing waste;

• we use local services to print all our (very durable) stickers and promotional materials to support other small businesses;

• we ship only within NZ to keep our CO2 footprint low (we are open to cooperate and share our franchise model to market KAIAS in other countries^);

• we sell our precious recipes with a DIY kit to spread the word and encourage others to become more self-sufficient in the future.

^feel free to contact us if you are interested to become our partner



We are aware that our approach might be a bit overwhelming for you - these guys are too green! - and you might leave us to get a product from somewhere else. That may be fancier, scientifically approved, laboratory-tested, but actually, who can trust mainstream science nowadays?, who knows whether they REALLY don't contain any coral-killing and skin-weakening chemicals? who knows how big a footprint they create with their production...?

By switching to an
all-natural lifestyle over 10 years ago, we made sure that we won't buy any of them anymore. That is why we have researched, tested (not on animals but on humans) and created these well-working, safe, nourishing and comfortable body care products. And not only that: with our products, we are reducing ecological footprint in a way that we can still share it with you. And you don't need to worry about messing up your kitchen either (although, you're welcome to get one of our DIY Kits and become self-sufficient FOREVER).

You don't need to buy any of the nasties anymore. By choosing KAIASnaturals, you are contributing to your wellbeing, treating our waters with respect, and you look after our precious Earth.

And on the top of it all, we support people powered change right here in Aotearoa/New Zealand by a weekly donation to the independent, crowdfunded, community campaigning organisationActionStation. To read more about their mission and campaigns, visit their website.

not tested on animals
we do refills
we're eco-conscious
we're sustainable & regenerative

Harmless. Regenerative. Eco-conscious. Sustainable.

Jess & sunpaste

Jess, UK

"I am using the KAIAS Sunpaste and the Deodorant Cream, both of them supports so well my body's active lifestyle and I love both products for how kind and enriching they are to my body."

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